The first secret of their special beauty is in a historical mix of West and East. There were many nations that lived and roamed on the territory of today’s Russia - Indo-Europeans, Slavs, Scandinavians, Mongol-Tatars, Germanic nations and many others. Even today here live more than 100 official nations and 27 languages are considered to be the second state ones. All this mixture boiled in Russia for centuries, and here’s the result – a lovely combination of East and West: prominent cheekbones and round faces, mildness of features and bright skin, green/blue/grey eyes and mostly fair, dark blond or dark chestnut hair.

The second secret is a striving to be beautiful not depending on natural background, presence or absence of natural beauty. It’s in Russian women’s blood! They are ready for everything to present themselves at their best, look effectively and attract attention. The thing is that many girls from Russia take beauty as their main merit together with intellect, carrier etc. Why it happens so is the second question. European women are more concentrated on their individual self-realization. They want to achieve everything by themselves and are ready to count on themselves only, while Russian women consider a man an important component of a successful life. And it makes serious correctives making a woman think not only of inner beauty but outer one as well.

The third secret of such a charming beauty is in lifestyle. Russian women walk much on foot and it’s one of the main factors of keeping fit and having a slim figure.

Additional cosmetic procedures, for example, plastic surgery, tattoos and piercing also gain a popularity among young ladies, and it’s another factor of changes in values and ideology. Striving to be fashionable and stylish intrudes firmly into a philosophy of modern Russian woman, makes her wish flawlessness in her image at any time and any situation.

Concerning style of Russian women and girls, they possess a specific appearance that attracts attention that can be described as cooperation of clothes, accessories and mood. It describes their beauty to the full. Russian ladies prefer shoes on high heels, bright sexy and tight-fitting clothes that stress their breasts and figures.

Summarizing one can say that beauty of Russian women is a result of patient labor, and you can’t limit yourself here with just shopping. Flawless nail polish, ideally outlined eyebrows, pink skin, flawless make-up and a stunning haircut in Russia are considered to be a standard. Cosmetic salons are here on every corner and there are even more hairdressing saloons.
